Arnaud Le Fevre, GSI Helmholtzzentrum GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
Talk: "Constraining Neutron Stars With Microscopic and Macroscopic Collisions" (Intermediate energies)
Nour Abdulameer (student), DE Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science, Debrecen, Hungary
Talk: "Run14 Au+Au DHM calibration of EMCal at 200 GeV" (Other/none)
Luis Altenkort (student), Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Talk: "How fast do heavy quarks thermalize? (The heavy quark diffusion coefficient from lattice QCD)" (QCD at non-zero temperature)
David Alvarez Castillo, Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS, Cracow, Poland
Talk: "The neutron star equation of state" (Other/none)
Victor E. Ambrus, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania
Talk: "Shakhov-like extension of the RTA in relativistic kinetic theory" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Dmitry Anchishkin, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine
Talk: "Phase transitions in relativistic meson systems" (Effective theory)
Gábor Bíró, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Other/none)
Michał Barej (student), AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
Talk: "Cumulants with global baryon conservation and short-range correlations" (QCD at non-zero temperature)
Imre Ferenc Barna, Wigner Research Centre , Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Jets)
Sergio Barrera Cabodevila (student), Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Talk: "Thermalization of gluons in spatially homogeneous systems" (QCD at non-zero temperature)
Francesco Becattini, University of Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
Talk: "Preliminary: Recent theoretical results on spin polarization" (Vorticity, polarization and chirality)
Gyula Bencedi, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Jets)
Livio Bianchi, University & INFN Torino, Torino, Italy
Talk: "Experimental overview of vector mesons spin alignment" (Vorticity, polarization and chirality)
Tamás Biró, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "With nanoplasmonics towards fusion" (Other/none)
Josef Bobek (student), CTU Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic
Talk: "Jet energy loss in relativistic heavy-ion collisions with realistic medium modeling" (Jets)
Caio Brito (student), Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, Brazil
Talk: "Third-order fluid dynamics from the method of moments" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Alberto Camaiani, IKS - KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Talk: "Exploring heavy-ion collisions in the Fermi regime with the FAZIA multi-telescope array" (Intermediate energies)
Enrico Catalano (student), Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Panos Christakoglou, Nikhef, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Caterina Ciampi, GANIL, Caen, France
Talk: "Symmetry energy studies at intermediate energies: first experiment with the INDRA-FAZIA apparatus" (Intermediate energies)
Jakub Cimerman (student), Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Talk: "Next-Generation Multi-Fluid Hydrodynamics for RHIC BES" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Megan Connors, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Talk: "Jets Measurements with PHENIX" (Jets)
Máté Csanád, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Lévy HBT measurements from SPS to LHC OR Pseudorapidity densities in the Beam Energy Scan measured with the STAR Event Plane Detector" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Laszlo Csernai, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Tamas Csorgo, Wigner RCP and MATE KRC, Budapest and Gyöngyös, Hungary
Talk: "Model independent Odderon results - based on new TOTEM data at 8 TeV" (Diffraction)
Asaad Daher (student), IFJ-PAN, Kraków, Poland
Talk: "Canonical and phenomenological formulations of spin hydrodynamics" (Vorticity, polarization and chirality)
Pawel Danielewicz, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Talk: "Deblurring 3D Characteristics of Heavy-Ion Collisions" (Intermediate energies)
Xiaojian Du, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Talk: "The early stage of heavy-ion collisions." (Other/none)
Anna Fehérkuti (student), Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Other/none)
Edit Fenyvesi, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Contributions of gravitational-wave observations to heavy-ion physics" (Other/none)
Giuliano Giacalone, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
Talk: "Accessing nuclear structure at colliders via high-energy isobar collisions" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Francesco Giacosa, Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
Talk: "Phenomenology of the glueball resonance gas" (QCD at non-zero temperature)
Ekaterina Grecká (student), NPI CAS , Prague, Czech Republic
Talk: "Analysis of strange V0 particles in jets produced in PbPb collisions at the ALICE experiment at CERN" (Jets)
László Gyulai (student), Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Defining the Underlying-Event Activity in the Presence of Heavy-Flavour Processes in Proton-Proton Collisions at LHC Energies" (Heavy flavor)
Kris Hagel, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, USA
Talk: "Signatures of Short-Range Correlations in collisions of Intermediate Heavy Ions" (Intermediate energies)
Renan Hirayama (student), Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Talk: "Effective spectral functions of vector mesons from lifetime analysis" (Photons and dileptons)
Dezső Horváth, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Tests of the CPT invariance at CERN" (Intermediate energies)
Anna Horváth (student), Wigner RCP, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Neutron stars (TBA)" (Other/none)
Anikó Horváth (student), Wigner RCP, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Event-shape-dependent analysis of charm-anticharm correlations in simulations" (Heavy flavor)
Paul Hotzy (student), Institute for Theoretical Physics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Talk: "Stabilising the complex Langevin method for real-time simulations of Yang-Mills theories" (QCD at non-zero temperature)
Shahriyar Jafarzade (student), Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
Talk: "TBA" (Effective theory)
Balázs Kórodi (student), Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Centrality dependent Levy HBT analysis at CMS" (Femtoscopy)
Gábor Kasza (student), Wigner RCP, MATE, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Femtoscopy)
Daniel Kincses (student), Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Femtoscopy)
Péter Kovács, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Isospin breaking in the Extended Linear Sigma model (poster)" (Effective theory)
Győző Kovács (student), Wigner RCP, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Effective theory)
Robert Kovacs, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Advancements in the Einstein Telescope project" (Detector and collider development)
Volodymyr Kuznietsov (student), Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Talk: "Critical point particle number fluctuations from molecular dynamics" (Other/none)
András László, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "What Quantum Field Theory actually is?" (Effective theory)
Peter Levai, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Florian Lindenbauer (student), TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Talk: "Jet momentum broadening during initial stages of heavy-ion collisions from effective kinetic theory" (Jets)
Devon Loomis (student), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Talk: "Inclusive Forward Eta Meson Cross Section in 200 and 500 GeV p+p collisions at PHENIX" (Other/none)
Ágnes Mócsy, FRIB at Michigan State University / Pratt Institute, East Lansing / Brooklyn, USA
Talk: "Physics Through the Arts Eye" (Other/none)
Michał Marczenko, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland
Talk: "Reaching percolation and conformal limits in neutron stars" (Other/none)
Eliana Marroquin (student), Physics Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Talk: "Exploring Quantum Entanglement in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (poster)" (Other/none)
Sergei Maydanyuk, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Bremsstrahlung photons emitted from nuclear processes in compact stars" (Photons and dileptons)
Xoán Mayo López (student), IGFAE - Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Talk: "Medium induced gluon spectrum in dense inhomogeneous matter" (Jets)
Aditya Nath Mishra, Reva University, Bengaluru, India
Talk: "XXX" (Other/none)
Sabarnya Mitra (student), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Talk: "A new formalism to determine QCD equation of state at a finite chemical potential" (QCD at non-zero temperature)
Mátyás Molnár (student), Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Measuring pseudorapity distributions with STAR EPD detector" (Detector and collider development)
Marton Nagy, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Lévy-type HBT correlation measurements for identical kaons at PHENIX" (Femtoscopy)
Frigyes Nemes, CERN & Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Recent results from the TOTEM Experiment " (Diffraction)
Jacek Otwinowski, Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Science, Kraków, Poland
Talk: "TBA" (Heavy flavor)
Barnabás Pórfy (student), Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Bose-Einstein correlation measurement with symmetric Levy soruce at NA61/SHINE" (Femtoscopy)
Sandra Padula, UNESP - Instituto de Fisica Teorica , Sao Paulo , Brazil
Talk: "To be defined" (Femtoscopy)
Dávid Pesznyák (student), Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Fighting the sign problem with contour deformations" (QCD at non-zero temperature)
Peter Petreczky, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, USA
Talk: "The complex potential T>0" (Heavy flavor)
Tetiana Povar (student), University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany
Talk: "Reconstruction of neutral mesons via photon conversion method in Ag-Ag collisions at 1.58 AGeV with HADES" (Photons and dileptons)
Daria Prokhorova (student), , ,
Talk: "Different faces of quark-gluon string interactions" (Effective theory)
Máté Pszota (student), Eötvös University, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Thermodynamic modified gravity and dark matter" (Other/none)
Attila Rádl (student), Wigner RCP, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Studies of color reconnection and fragmentation with the CMS " (Jets)
Johann Rafelski, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Talk: "TBA" (Strongly coupled gauge theory)
Daniela Ruggiano (student), Warsaw University of Technology , Warsaw, Poland
Talk: "Two-particle angular correlations of identified particles in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with ALICE" (Other/none)
Andrey Sadofyev, IGFAE, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Talk: "Jet quenching in evolving anisotropic matter" (Jets)
Rupam Samanta (student), AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
Talk: "Flow fluctuation and factorization breaking in heavy ion collision" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Debojit Sarkar, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Talk: "Experimental overview of polarisation studies (Invited talk)" (Vorticity, polarization and chirality)
Chihiro Sasaki, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland
Ms Tebogo Shaba (student), iThemba LABS, Cape Town , South Africa
Talk: "Production of muons from heavy-quark hadron decays in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ALICE detector." (Heavy flavor)
Zhaozhong Shi, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA
Talk: "Measurements of J/𝜓 production vs event multiplicity in the forward rapidity in p + p collisions in the PHENIX experiment" (Heavy flavor)
Ferenc Siklér, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Gabriel Soares Rocha (student), Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil
Talk: "Perturbative approaches in relativistic kinetic theory and the emergence of first-order hydrodynamics" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Huichao Song, Peking U, Beijing, China
Talk: "Vorticity and polarization at RHIC and the LHC" (Vorticity, polarization and chirality)
András Ster, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Levy generalization of the Phillips-Barger model for elastic pp scattering" (Diffraction)
Stefan Stojku (student), Institute of Physics Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Talk: "Anisotropy of the QGP droplet investigated through high-pt data" (Jets)
Ákos Sudár (student), Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Probability density-based image reconstruction for proton Computed Tomography" (Other/none)
Mátyás Szücs, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Newtonian noise estimation for ET - the effect of rock rheology" (Other/none)
István Szanyi (student), Eötvös University, Wigner RCP, MATE, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Diffraction)
Balazs Endre Szigeti (student), Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Other/none)
Michal Szymanski, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland
Talk: "Screening effects at non-zero chemical potential and magnetic field" (QCD at non-zero temperature)
János Takátsy (student), Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Effective theory)
Adam Takacs (student), University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Talk: "A unified picture of medium-induced radiation" (Jets)
Runa Takahama (student), Nara Women's University, Nara, Japan
Talk: "The study of v2 as a function of multiplicity with categorization by the number of spectator nucleons in AuAu at √sNN=200 GeV" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Ubaid Tantary (student), Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA
Talk: "N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills thermodynamics to order lambda^(5/2) from effective field theory" (Effective theory)
Boris Tomášik, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Talk: "Deuteron production from the fireball" (Other/none)
Srikanta Kumar Tripathy, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Talk: "TBD" (Femtoscopy)
Enrico Trotti (student), University Jan Kochanowski, Kielce, Poland
Talk: "TBA" (Other/none)
Karoly Urmossy, Dept. for Atomic Phys. ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Hadron production from off-shell leading partons" (Jets)
Peter Ván, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Superfluid thermodynamics" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Zoltan Varga (student), Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "TBA" (Heavy flavor)
Giuseppe Verde, INFN , Catania, Italy
Talk: "Correlations and open questions in intermediate energy HIC" (Intermediate energies)
Robert Vertesi, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "Charm and beauty production and hadronization with the ALICE experiment (tentative)" (Heavy flavor)
Clemens Werthmann (student), Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Talk: "Opacity dependence of pre-equilibrium and applicability of hydrodynamics in heavy-ion collisions" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
György Wolf, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Talk: "-" (Other/none)
Miklós Zétényi, Wigner RCP, Budapest, Hungary
Mingrui Zhao (student), Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Talk: "Anisotropic flow measurement in large and small system at ALICE experiment" (Hydrodynamics and flow)
Dusan Zigic (student), Institute of Physics Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Talk: "High-pT v_4 puzzle and importance of higher harmonics in QGP tomography" (Heavy flavor)
Preliminary totals: 107 registered participants, 51 students