There is also an Indico version of this agenda, where participants are kindly asked to upload their talks in advance.
(full Zoom link and password distributed in email)
All times are in Central European Time (CET = EST+6 = BRT+4 = GMT+1 = UTC+1 = CST-7 = JST-8)
Monday, December 4th
Section a1, 08:45 - 10:45, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Experiment overviews (section chair: Péter Kovács)
- 08:45 Péter Lévai: Welcome address (12+3 min)
- 09:00 Jaroslav Adam: ePIC detector at the Electron Ion Collider (30+5 min)
- 09:35 Frédéric Julian Linz: CBM overview - facts and fictions (30+5 min)
- 10:10 Ron Belmont: PHENIX Highlights (30+5 min)
Section a2, 11:15 - 12:25, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Other topics (section chair: Márton Nagy)
- 11:15 Dezső Horváth: Tests of CPT invariance at the CERN Antimatter Factory (25+5 min)
- 11:45 Dubravko Klabučar: Pion observables calculated in Minkowski and Euclidean spaces with Ansatz quark propagators (15+5 min)
- 12:05 Andras Laszlo: Wilsonian renormalization group flows are generated by ordinary distributions (15+5 min)
Section a3, 13:55 - 15:55, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Lattice QCD (section chair: András László)
- 13:55 Attila Pasztor: Lattice QCD overview at non-zero baryon density (30+5 min)
- 14:30 Hai-Tao Shu: Heavy quark diffusion from lattice QCD (online) (30+5 min)
- 15:05 Sipaz Sharma: Charm fluctuations and charm deconfinement from lattice QCD (30+5 min)
- 15:40 José Javier Hernández Hernández: Topology and Axions from Lattice QCD (12+3 min)
Section a4, 16:25 - 17:40, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Diffraction (section chair: Jaroslav Adam)
- 16:25 Tamás Csörgő: Possibilities for phase and source function reconstruction in HBT correlations and in elastic proton-proton scattering. (15+5 min)
- 16:45 András Ster: Detailing the Odderon effect with numerical examples at 8 TeV (15+5 min)
- 17:05 Ferenc Siklér: Nonresonant central exclusive production from CMS+TOTEM (15+5 min)
- 17:25 István Szanyi: Dip-bump structure in pp single diffraction (12+3 min)
Tuesday, December 5th
Section b1, 09:00 - 10:25, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Council room (7.22) [map]
Jets, CME (section chair: Zhangbu Xu)
- 09:00 Fabian Zhou: Mini-jet quenching (30+5 min)
- 09:35 Jan Orlinski: Preliminary results on the transverse flow of light mesons from Ag+Ag collisions registered by the HADES experiment (12+3 min)
- 09:50 Sneha Bhosale: Spectator-induced electromagnetic effects in 40Ar+45Sc collisions at 40A GeV/c beam momentum (12+3 min)
- 10:05 Sergio Morales Tejera: Dynamical axial charge and chiral magnetic current in a holographic plasma (15+5 min)
Section b2, 11:00 - 12:40, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Council room (7.22) [map]
Baryon number (section chair: Máté Csanád)
- 11:00 Zhangbu Xu: Tracking the baryon number in heavy-ion collisions (35+10 min)
- 11:45 Michal Szymanski: Baryon number fluctuations at finite temperature and magnetic field (17+3 min)
- 12:05 Michał Marczenko: Fluctuations and correlations of baryonic chiral partners (17+3 min)
- 12:25 Dávid Pesznyák: Continuum extrapolated high order baryon fluctuations (12+3 min)
Section b3, 14:15 - 15:50, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Council room (7.22) [map]
Hydrodynamics I. (section chair: Dániel Kincses, Boris Tomásik)
- 14:15 Boris Tomášik: Elliptic flow of deuterons (30+5 min)
- 14:50 Gabor Balassa: Hypernuclei production with a modified coalescence model (15+5 min)
- 15:10 Clemens Werthmann: Modelling choices in multi-fluid-dynamical descriptions of low energy collisions (15+5 min)
- 15:30 Zuzana Paulinyova: Modeling low energy heavy ion collisions with a dynamically initialized hybrid approach (15+5 min)
Section b4, 16:20 - 18:10, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Council room (7.22) [map]
Hydrodynamics II. (section chair: Sándor Lökös)
- 16:20 Gabriel Denicol: Hydrodynamics from an exact collision kernel (online) (30+5 min)
- 16:55 Xiaojian Du: Universality of energy-momentum response in kinetic theories (online) (30+5 min)
- 17:30 Radoslaw Ryblewski: Kinetic-theory-wise formulation of relativistic spin hydrodynamics (15+5 min)
- 17:50 Victor E. Ambrus: Helical separation effect for Dirac fermions in a strong magnetic field (15+5 min)
Section b5, 19:00, Melódin Étterem (Evosoft building, Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 11, 1111)
Conference dinner
Wednesday, December 6th
Section c1, 09:00 - 10:45, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Intermediate energies (section chair: Frédéric Julian Linz)
- 09:00 Giuseppe Verde: Opportunities for HIC at FRIB energies: symmetry energy and in-medium correlations (25+5 min)
- 09:30 Arnaud Le Fevre: the status of EoS studies with HIC at GSI and implications on neutron stars and gravitational waves (online) (25+5 min)
- 10:00 Simone Valdré: FAZIA: a new generation array for nuclear dynamics and EoS experiments at intermediate energies (25+5 min)
- 10:30 Luigi Redigolo: The OSCAR correlation array for low energy structure and dynamics (12+3 min)
Section c2, 11:15 - 12:40, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Lévy femtoscopy -- dedicated to Tamás Csörgő on the occasion of his 60th birthday (section chair: Giuseppe Verde)
- 11:15 Máté Csanád: Overview of Lévy femtoscopy from SPS through RHIC to LHC (25+5 min)
- 11:45 Marton Nagy: A novel method for calculating Bose-Einstein correlation functions with Coulomb final-state interaction (15+5 min)
- 12:05 Daniel Kincses: Two-particle interferometry with Lévy-stable sources at STAR (15+5 min)
- 12:25 Barnabas Porfy: Femtoscopy at NA61/SHINE (12+3 min)
Section c3, 14:15 - 15:30, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Initial stages (section chair: Dániel Kincses)
- 14:15 You Zhou: Shaping the nuclear structure at the relativistic energies (30+5 min)
- 14:50 Leonardo Tinti: Quantum effects in the early stages of the expansion (15+5 min)
- 15:10 Narendra Rathod: Femtoscopy of p-Lambda system obtained in heavy-ion collision in the HADES experiment (GSI) (15+5 min)
Section c4, 16:00 - 17:25, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Heavy-flavor (section chair: Sipaz Sharma)
- 16:00 Anton Andronic: Quarkonium production at the LHC: experiment and theory overview (online) (30+5 min)
- 16:35 Peter Petreczky: Heavy quark potential at non-zero temperature (online) (30+5 min)
- 17:10 László Gyulai: Investigation of the heavy-flavor hadronization time-scale using the Tsallis-thermometer (12+3 min)
Thursday, December 7th
Section d1, 09:00 - 10:05, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
QCD and cosmology (section chair: Péter Kovács)
- 09:00 Michal Sumbera: QCD in the early Universe (30+5 min)
- 09:35 Máté Pszota: Galactic hydrodynamics with thermodynamic gravity (12+3 min)
- 09:50 Christoph Gärtlein: Probing the onset of the deconfinement phase transition in hybrid stars with radial oscillations (12+3 min)
Section d2, 10:35 - 12:20, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Photons, dileptons (section chair: Michal Sumbera)
- 10:35 Zhandong Sun: Study of high pT and direct photon in small system collisions at 200 GeV (15+5 min)
- 10:55 Nour Abdualmeer: Analysis of pi^0 & direct photon in the large 2014 200 GeV Au+Au /PHENIX dataset (12+3 min)
- 11:10 Gábor Kasza: Describing the direct photon spectra of Au+Au @ 200 GeV collisions with a new analytic formula (12+3 min)
- 11:25 Melinda Orosz: Pi0 and eta analysis on Run16 Au+Au collision at 200GeV (12+3 min)
- 11:40 Sergei Maydanyuk: Incoherent processes in dilepton production in proton-nucleus scattering (15+5 min)
- 12:00 Vladislav Shalaev: Polarization effects in processes of dimuon production at LHC and NICA (15+5 min)
Section d3, 14:00 - 14:54, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Flash talks (section chair: Dániel Kincses)
- 14:00 Réka Somogyfoki: Equilibrium stability of non-relativistic fluids: thermodynamic conditions (poster) (3 min)
- 14:03 Balázs Szigeti: Kinematic self-similar solutions in curved space-time (3 min)
- 14:06 Mátyás Szücs: Thermodynamically compatible family of non-relativistic self-gravitating weakly nonlocal fluids (poster) (3 min)
- 14:09 Shaifali Mehta: Silicon Tracking System of the CBM experiment at FAIR (poster) (3 min)
- 14:12 Tamás Majoros: sPHENIX TPC monitoring system (poster) (3 min)
- 14:15 David Baranyai: SiPM Module Tester for CMS BTL (poster) (3 min)
- 14:18 Sahil Upadhyaya: The ALICE Fast Interaction Trigger Performance and Upgrade (poster) (3 min)
- 14:21 Olena Mezhenska: Azimuthal Correlations of Upsilon Hadrons in Pythia-Simulated Proton-Proton Collisions (3 min)
- 14:24 Michaela Sverakova: Study of the J/psi photoproduction with tagged forward proton in pp collisions at 510 GeV (poster) (3 min)
- 14:27 Zoltán Varga: Event-activity dependence of the beauty production in the enhanced color reconnection model at LHC energies (3 min)
- 14:30 Veronika Prozorova: Measurement of heavy-flavor electron production in Au+Au collisions at 54.4 GeV at STAR (poster) (3 min)
- 14:33 Georgios Mantzaridis: Current status and future prospects of measuring hadronic interactions in pp collisions at 13.6 TeV with ALICE (3 min)
- 14:36 Aletta Purzsa: Calculation of Coulomb interacting Bose-Einstein correlations in Fourier space (poster) (3 min)
- 14:39 Emese Árpási: Multi-dimensional investigation of the pion pair-source in heavy-ion collisions with EPOS (poster) (3 min)
- 14:42 Győző Kovács: Sensitivity of finite volume effects to the boundary condition and the vacuum term (3 min)
- 14:45 Gyorgy Baranka: Localization of Dirac modes in the SU(2)-Higgs model at finite temperature (3 min)
- 14:48 Anna Horváth: Studying Extra Dimensions in Compact Stars (3 min)
- 14:51 Janos Takatsy: What neutron stars can tell us about QCD phase transitions (3 min)
Section d4, 15:30, Wigner RCP, Building 1, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Posters and wine (until 5-6pm)
Section d5, 16:00,
IAC discussion/dinner (in parallel with the poster section)
Friday, December 8th
Section e1, 09:00 - 10:45, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Small systems (section chair: Sándor Lökös)
- 09:00 Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi: Quantifying the Underlying Event in High-energy pp collisions from RHIC to LHC (30+5 min)
- 09:35 Gyula Bencedi: Multi-parton interactions in pp collisions using charged-particle flattenicity with ALICE (15+5 min)
- 09:55 Róbert Vértesi: Jet substructure measurements in heavy-ion collisions (15+5 min)
- 10:15 Wenya Wu: Probing partonic collectivity in pp and p—Pb collisions with ALICE (12+3 min)
- 10:30 Zuzanna Chochulska: Prospects of angular correlation studies of identified hadrons in the LHC Run 3 with the ALICE experiment (12+3 min)
Section e2, 11:15 - 12:35, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Detector development (section chair: Róbert Vértesi)
- 11:15 Gábor Bíró: Mean transverse momentum scaling at LHC energies using deep learning methods (15+5 min)
- 11:35 Zsófia Jólesz: Image reconstruction with proton CT (12+3 min)
- 11:50 Bence Dudás: Trajectory reconstruction for proton computed tomography with machine learning (12+3 min)
- 12:05 Anna Fehérkuti: XY factorization bias in luminosity measurements (12+3 min)
- 12:20 Attila Radl: Luminosity Calibration at the CMS Experiment (12+3 min)
Section e3, 14:00 - 15:00, Wigner RCP, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Effective theories (section chair: Gergely Barnaföldi)
- 14:00 Imre Ferenc Barna: Analyic solutions of the complex diffusion equation (15+5 min)
- 14:20 György Wolf: Mesons in medium modifications (15+5 min)
- 14:40 Arthur Vereijken: Schwinger mechanism for scalar fields (12+3 min)
- 14:55 Local Organizing Committee: Closing remarks (5 min)
- As of December 08 2023 07:10:24. -