[<a href='https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_Arnold'>Arnold Gross</a>: Lexicon]
Arnold Gross: Lexicon




December 7-11, 2015

Budapest, Hungary

[József Zimányi (1931 - 2006)]
József Zimányi (1931 - 2006)


There is an Indico version of this agenda, where participants are kindly asked to upload their talks in advance

Monday, December 7th

Section a1, 09:00 - 10:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Initial state and kinetic evolution (section chair: M. Csanád)

Section a2, 10:50 - 12:40, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Statistics and thermodynamics 1 (section chair: T. Csörgő)

Section a3, 14:00 - 15:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Critical point and fluctuations (section chair: T. Biró)

Section a4, 16:00 - 17:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Statistics and thermodynamics 2 (section chair: R. Lacey)

Tuesday, December 8th

Section b1, 09:00 - 10:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Dileptons (section chair: M. Nagy)

Section b2, 11:00 - 12:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Event engineering and charm results (section chair: R. Vértesi)

Section b3, 14:00 - 15:50, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Hydrodynamics (section chair: B. Tomasik)

Section b4, 16:20 - 18:10, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

The electroweak sector and intermediate energies (section chair: F. Siklér)

Section b5, 19:00 - 19:00, Normakert Restaurant [map]

Conference dinner (section chair: Normakert staff)

Wednesday, December 9th

Section c1, 09:00 - 11:00, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Detector development (section chair: M. Tannenbaum)

Section c2, 11:30 - 13:20, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Simulations (section chair: P. Kovács)

Thursday, December 10th

Section d1, 09:00 - 10:25, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Harmony hall (-1.75) [map]

Field theory (section chair: A. Jakovác)

Section d2, 10:50 - 12:10, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Harmony hall (-1.75) [map]

Field theory of matter at extreme conditions (section chair: Z. Bajnok)

Section d3, 13:40 - 15:00, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]

Femtoscopy (section chair: T. Csörgő)

Section d4, 15:00 - 16:30, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]

Ortvay colloquium (section chair: M. Csanád)

Section d5, 17:00 - 18:30, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]

Forward physics (section chair: T. Novák)

Friday, December 11th

Section e1, 09:00 - 10:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

Lattice QCD and effective field theory (section chair: Gy. Wolf)

Section e2, 11:00 - 12:45, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]

EoS and jets (section chair: P. Petreczky)

- As of December 08 2015 23:07:29. -
482217 visitors. CsM.