There is an Indico version of this agenda, where participants are kindly asked to upload their talks in advance
Monday, December 7th
Section a1, 09:00 - 10:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Initial state and kinetic evolution (section chair: M. Csanád)
- 09:00 Péter Lévai: Welcome and opening talk (15+5 min)
- 09:20 ZIMÁNYI TALK by Tuomas Lappi (winner of the Zimányi Medal 2014): Azimuthal multigluon correlations in the glasma initial state (30+10 min)
- 10:00 Dénes Molnár: Dissipative phase space correction (delta f) models vs nonlinear kinetic theory (25+5 min)
Section a2, 10:50 - 12:40, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Statistics and thermodynamics 1 (section chair: T. Csörgő)
- 10:50 Tamás Biró: Phase Space Restricted Hadronization (25+5 min)
- 11:20 Péter Ván: Objectivity and material frame indifference of dissipative fluids (15+5 min)
- 11:40 Róbert Kovács: Internal variables and heat conduction in non-equilibrium thermodynamics (15+5 min)
- 12:00 KeMing Shen: A Soft and Hard Model for Heavy Ion Collisions with Kappa Distribution (15+5 min)
- 12:20 Gábor Bíró: The latest results of the soft+hard model in heavy ion collisions (15+5 min)
Section a3, 14:00 - 15:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Critical point and fluctuations (section chair: T. Biró)
- 14:00 Roy Lacey: Recent results about the Critical Endpoint (25+5 min)
- 14:30 Máté Csanád: Finite volume and magnetic field effects on the QCD phase diagram (25+5 min)
- 15:00 Michael Tannenbaum: Statistical errors, efficiency and acceptance corrections in cumulants of measured net-charge (N+ - N-) distributions, a theorem from Quantitative Finance and NBD fits to the PHENIX N+ and N- distributions. (25+5 min)
Section a4, 16:00 - 17:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Statistics and thermodynamics 2 (section chair: R. Lacey)
- 16:00 Giorgio Torrieri: A non-hydrodynamic origin of v2 (25+5 min)
- 16:30 Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi: An Application of the Non-extensive Phenomena: Fragmentation Fuctions for High energy Collisions (25+5 min)
- 17:00 Ferenc Siklér: First 13 TeV results from CMS (25+5 min)
Tuesday, December 8th
Section b1, 09:00 - 10:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Dileptons (section chair: M. Nagy)
- 09:00 Dubravko Klabucar: Is the eta-eta' complex an ordinary two-state system? (25+5 min)
- 09:30 Mihael Makek: PHENIX results on low-mass dileptons (25+5 min)
- 10:00 Róbert Vértesi: Open heavy flavor production at RHIC and LHC energies (25+5 min)
Section b2, 11:00 - 12:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Event engineering and charm results (section chair: R. Vértesi)
- 11:00 Boris Tomásik: Event Shape Sorting (25+5 min)
- 11:30 Nicolas Filipovic: Quarkonium measurements in pp, pPb and PbPb in CMS (15+5 min)
- 11:50 Miroslav Simko: Lambda_c baryon production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV (15+5 min)
- 12:10 Jana Fodorová: J/psi production at the STAR experiment (15+5 min)
Section b3, 14:00 - 15:50, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Hydrodynamics (section chair: B. Tomasik)
- 14:00 Márton Nagy: Rotating and expanding fireballs with spheroidal symmetry (15+5 min)
- 14:20 Gábor Kasza: Exact Solutions for Observables and Initial Conditions with lattice QCD Equation of State (15+5 min)
- 14:40 Viktor Könye: Rotating generalization of the Buda-Lund hydrodynamical model (15+5 min)
- 15:00 Sándor Lökös: Description of oscillating HBT radii in Buda-Lund hydrodynamical model (15+5 min)
- 15:20 László Pál Csernai: Observable signs of Rotation and Turbulence in Heavy Ion Reactions (25+5 min)
Section b4, 16:20 - 18:10, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
The electroweak sector and intermediate energies (section chair: F. Siklér)
- 16:20 Gabriella Pásztor: Electroweak physics at LHC (25+5 min)
- 16:50 András László: An extension of the Poincaré group and its relation to SUSY (25+5 min)
- 17:20 Daniele Dell'Aquila: In-flight resonance decay of 10Be, 16C and 12C at intermediate energies (15+5 min)
- 17:40 Dezső Horváth: Measuring the neutrino mass (25+5 min)
Section b5, 19:00 - 19:00, Normakert Restaurant [map]
Conference dinner (section chair: Normakert staff)
Wednesday, December 9th
Section c1, 09:00 - 11:00, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Detector development (section chair: M. Tannenbaum)
- 09:00 Dezső Varga: Hungarian participation in the ALICE TPC Upgrade Project (25+5 min)
- 09:30 Gábor Galgóczi: Development of Micropattern Gaseous Detectors (15+5 min)
- 09:50 Kornél Kapás: Quality check of GEM-foils for large detectors (15+5 min)
- 10:10 Andrew Lowe: Quark/gluon tagging for ALICE: machine learning for particle physics using R (25+5 min)
- 10:40 Jakub Kvapil: Heavy Flavor Tracker Pixel simulator (15+5 min)
Section c2, 11:30 - 13:20, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Simulations (section chair: P. Kovács)
- 11:30 Lukas Kramarik: Performance of the ALICE - secondary vertex b-tagging algorithm (15+5 min)
- 11:50 Szilveszter Harangozó: The next Heavy Ion Jet INteraction Generator: HIJING++ (15+5 min)
- 12:10 András Ster: Total, inelastic and (quasi-)elastic cross sections of high energy pA and gamma-A reactions with DIPSY (15+5 min)
- 12:30 Olivér Surányi: Study of central exclusive production (15+5 min)
- 12:50 Mariola Klusek-Gawenda: Heavy ion UPC physics (25+5 min)
Thursday, December 10th
Section d1, 09:00 - 10:25, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Harmony hall (-1.75) [map]
Field theory (section chair: A. Jakovác)
- 09:00 Zsolt Frei: Welcome (5 min)
- 09:05 Zoltán Bajnok: Quark-anti-quark potential in the N=4 super gauge theory (25+5 min)
- 09:35 Dániel Berényi: Pair production in strong fields (15+5 min)
- 09:55 Tamás Fülöp: Probability current in zero-spin relativistic quantum mechanics (25+5 min)
Section d2, 10:50 - 12:10, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Harmony hall (-1.75) [map]
Field theory of matter at extreme conditions (section chair: Z. Bajnok)
- 10:50 Péter Pósfay: Functional Renormalization Group approach to nuclear matter at extreme conditions (15+5 min)
- 11:10 Szilvia Karsai: Interacting Fermion Star in Kaluza-Klein World (15+5 min)
- 11:30 Marietta Homor: Transport Coefficients and Thermalisation in Classical Field Theories (15+5 min)
- 11:50 Miklós Horváth: The fluidity measure eta/s from effective field theory (15+5 min)
Section d3, 13:40 - 15:00, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]
Femtoscopy (section chair: T. Csörgő)
- 13:40 Tamás Novák: Model independent analysis of nearly Levy correlations in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions (15+5 min)
- 14:00 Dániel Kincses: Recent femtoscopy results from PHENIX (15+5 min)
- 14:20 Jindrich Lidrych: Femtoscopy with kaons at the STAR experiment (15+5 min)
- 14:40 Sebastian Siejka: Proton-Proton, Proton-Antiproton and Antiproton-Antiproton Correlations at STAR (15+5 min)
Section d4, 15:00 - 16:30, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]
Ortvay colloquium (section chair: M. Csanád)
- 15:00 ORTVAY COLLOQUIUM by Raju Venugopalan: The glue that binds us all: imaging matter below the Fermi scale with an Electron-Ion Collider (40+10 min)
- 15:50 ZIMÁNYI TALK by Chihiro Sasaki (winner of the Zimányi Medal 2015): QCD thermodynamics from effective field theories (30+10 min)
Section d5, 17:00 - 18:30, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]
Forward physics (section chair: T. Novák)
- 17:00 Tamás Csörgő: Pomeron Femtoscopy (20+5 min)
- 17:25 Frigyes Nemes: Physics results from the TOTEM experiment at LHC (20+5 min)
- 17:50 Tamás Csörgő: TOTEM preliminary results on the Coulomb-Nuclear Interference (15+5 min)
- 18:10 András Ster: Extracting the Odderon from pp and ppbar data (15+5 min)
Friday, December 11th
Section e1, 09:00 - 10:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Lattice QCD and effective field theory (section chair: Gy. Wolf)
- 09:00 Péter Petreczky: Fluctuations of conserved charges in lattice QCD (25+5 min)
- 09:30 Péter Kovács: Thermodynamical properties of the extended linear sigma model with Polyakov loops (25+5 min)
- 10:00 Dmitry Anchishkin: Lattice QCD and hadron resonance gas equation of state (25+5 min)
Section e2, 11:00 - 12:45, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
EoS and jets (section chair: P. Petreczky)
- 11:00 Péter Lévai: Initial State Bremsstrahlung and/or Final State Hydrodynamics in pA Collisions (25+5 min)
- 11:30 Filip Krizek: High-pt hadron-jet correlations in ALICE (25+5 min)
- 12:00 Vojtech Pacik: Neutral strange particle production in charged jets with ALICE (15+5 min)
- 12:20 Mihály András Pocsai: Enhancing the efficiency of plasma wakefield acceleration (15+5 min)
- 12:40 Máté Csanád: Closing remarks (5 min)
- As of December 08 2015 23:07:29. -