There is also an Indico version of this agenda, where participants are kindly asked to upload their talks in advance
Monday, December 1st
Section a1, 09:00 - 10:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Bose-Einstein correlations (section chair: Mate Csanad)
- 09:00 Ferenc Siklér: Femtoscopy and spectra of identified hadrons from CMS (20+5 min)
- 09:25 Tadeusz Lesiak: Bose-Einstein Correlation at the LHCb experiment (20+5 min)
- 09:50 Tamas Novak: Model independent features of Bose-Einstein correlations (15+5 min)
- 10:10 Gergely Mathe: Systematic investigation of two-particle HBT correlations for Levy sources (15+5 min)
Section a2, 11:00 - 12:30, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Diffraction (section chair: Peter Kovacs)
- 11:00 Tamás Csörgő: TOTEM results on the total pp x-sect. and diffr.diss. (20+5 min)
- 11:25 Frigyes Nemes (via Skype): LHC Optics Measurement with Proton Tracks Detected by the Roman Pots of the TOTEM experiment (15+5 min)
- 11:45 Tamás Csörgő: Analysis of TOTEM elastic scattering data (15+5 min)
- 12:05 László Jenkovszky: Elastic and inelastic diffraction at the LHC (20+5 min)
Section a3, 14:00 - 15:05, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Jets and flow (section chair: Tamas Csorgo)
- 14:00 Péter Lévai: Fluctuation contribution to anisotropic flow in pA collisions at RHIC and LHC energies (20+5 min)
- 14:25 Alis Rodriguez Manso: Multiplicity dependence of charge dependent correlations in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC. (15+5 min)
- 14:45 Monika Kofarago: Probing the interplay of jets and flow using two-particle correlations (15+5 min)
Section a4, 15:45 - 17:15, Wigner RCP PNPI, Building 3, "Tanácsterem" [map]
Field theory (section chair: Tamas Biro)
- 15:45 Antal Jakovac: Functional Renormalization Group in fermionic systems (20+5 min)
- 16:10 György Wolf: Measuring decoherence in pion-nucleus collision (20+5 min)
- 16:35 Miklós Horváth: QCD lattice data in an extended quasi-particle picture (15+5 min)
- 16:55 Péter Kovács: Extended linear sigma model in medium (15+5 min)
Tuesday, December 2nd
Section b1, 09:00 - 10:30, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Council room (7.22) [map]
Hydrodynamics (section chair: )
- 09:00 Laszlo Csernai: Rotation in Fluid Dynamics, Instabilities, and their Observation (20+5 min)
- 09:25 Marton Nagy: An analytic hydrodynamical description of rotating expansions in heavy-ion collisions (20+5 min)
- 09:50 Sándor Lökös: Oscillating HBT radii from the azimuthally asymmetric Buda-Lund model (15+5 min)
- 10:10 Zsuzsanna Szendi: Flow patterns in classical fields (hydrodynamics from photon fields) (15+5 min)
Section b2, 11:00 - 12:25, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Council room (7.22) [map]
Phenomenology (section chair: )
- 11:00 Ivanytskyi Oleksii (via Skype): Thermodynamically Anomalous Regions As A Mixed Phase Signal (15+5 min)
- 11:20 Violetta Sagun (via Skype): Lambda-anomaly in the hadronic chemical freeze-out (15+5 min)
- 11:40 Dmitry Anchishkin: Time dependence of partition into spectators and participants in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (20+5 min)
- 12:05 Dániel Berényi: Computational aspects of pair production from strong fields (15+5 min)
Section b3, 14:00 - 15:35, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Marx hall (0.87) [map]
Jets and correlations (section chair: )
- 14:00 Panos Christakoglou: Anisotropic flow measurements of identified particles from RHIC to LHC (20+5 min)
- 14:25 Dennis Perepelitsa: Jet probes of the nuclear and proton wavefunctions in proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector (20+5 min)
- 14:50 Andrew Lowe: Jet physics in ALICE (20+5 min)
- 15:15 Anna Julia Zsigmond: Probes of nuclear parton distribution functions in pPb collisions from CMS (15+5 min)
Section b4, 16:00 - 18:00, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Marx hall (0.87) [map]
Heavy quarks, meson masses (section chair: Gergely Barnafoldi)
- 16:00 Chihiro Sasaki: Chiral thermodynamics with charm (20+5 min)
- 16:25 Dubravko Klabucar: Eta - Etaprime complex and its temperature dependence (20+5 min)
- 16:50 Robert Vertesi: Quarkonium production in heavy ion collisions at STAR (20+5 min)
- 17:15 Pavol Federic: D meson measurements at STAR (20+5 min)
- 17:40 Leszek Kosarzewski: Upsilon measurements in pp collisions at 500 GeV in the STAR experiment (15+5 min)
Section b5, 19:00 - 19:00, Normakert Restaurant [map]
Conference dinner (section chair: )
Wednesday, December 3rd
Section c1, 09:00 - 10:30, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2nd floor assembly hall [map]
Intermediate energies and detector R&D (section chair: Marcus Bleicher)
- 09:00 Giuseppe Verde: Heavy-Ion collisions and access to the symmetry energy: status and future (20+5 min)
- 09:25 Patrick Sellheim: Backtracking algorithm for lepton reconstruction with HADES (15+5 min)
- 09:45 Timo Scheib: V0 Reconstruction in Au+Au Collisions at 1.23 AGeV with HADES (15+5 min)
- 10:05 Giacomo Volpe: The ALICE-HMPID detector: performance and contributions to the ALICE physics program (20+5 min)
Section c2, 11:00 - 12:25, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2nd floor assembly hall [map]
New technologies (section chair: Boris Tomasik)
- 11:00 Tadeusz Lesiak: New accelerators to study Higgs Boson (20+5 min)
- 11:25 Mihály András Pocsai: The Contribution of the Wigner RCP to the AWAKE experiment (15+5 min)
- 11:45 Gábor Kiss: Single electron avalanches in Gas Electron Multipliers (15+5 min)
- 12:05 Andras Ster: Cross sections in high energy pp, pA and eA reactions with the dipole formalism (15+5 min)
Thursday, December 4th
Section d1, 09:15 - 10:50, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Council room (7.22) [map]
The RHIC Beam Energy Scan (section chair: )
- 09:15 Jeffery Mitchell: The RHIC Beam Energy Scan: PHENIX Results and Prospects (20+5 min)
- 09:40 Máté Csanád: Bose-Einstein correlations abd the Beam Energy Scan with PHENIX (20+5 min)
- 10:05 Róbert Vértesi: The STAR Beam Energy Scan Program (20+5 min)
- 10:30 Martin Girard: Kaons femtoscopy for Beam Energy Scan program in STAR experiment (15+5 min)
Section d2, 11:15 - 12:25, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Council room (7.22) [map]
Coherence and correlations (section chair: )
- 11:15 Naomichi Suzuki: Analysis of Bose-Einstein correlations at fixed multiplicities in the quantum optical approach (20+5 min)
- 11:40 Gergely Marko: Bose-Einstein condensation and Silver Blaze using 2-loop 2PI (20+5 min)
- 12:05 David Englert: Exploring the pPb ridge effect with CMS: Azimuthal correlations with identified hadrons and pseudorapidity dependence (15+5 min)
Section d3, 14:00 - 14:44, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]
Outreach (section chair: )
- 14:00 Tibor Fényes: (IN HUNGARIAN) Particles and their interactions - presentation of the revised and updated edition (12+3 min)
- 14:15 Gabor Biro: Particle Clicker (11 min)
- 14:26 Andras Sveiczer: Hits! - a new Quark Matter Card Game for beginners (11 min)
- 14:37 Tamás Csörgő: Quark Matter Card Game Competition: Berze Hits (7 min)
Section d4, 15:00 - 15:45, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]
Ortvay colloquium (section chair: )
- 15:00 Takeshi Kodama: Stochastic Variational Method and Quantization (35+10 min)
Section d5, 16:15 - 17:45, Eötvös U., Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Ortvay hall (0.81) [map]
Hydrodynamics (section chair: )
- 16:15 Peter Ván: Special relativistic and Galilei relativistic hydrodynamics: the choice of frames (20+5 min)
- 16:40 Zuzana Feckova: A new ideal hydrodynamic scheme with an exact Riemann solver (20+5 min)
- 17:05 Attila Bagoly: How does viscosity and the speed of sound effect spatial asymmetries in heavy ion collisions? (15+5 min)
- 17:25 Robert Lang: Shear viscosity from a generalized NJL model (15+5 min)
Friday, December 5th
Section e1, 09:00 - 11:00, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2nd floor assembly hall [map]
Phenomenology (section chair: )
- 09:00 Tamás Sándor Biró: Emergence of Power-Law in Statistical Hadronization (20+5 min)
- 09:25 Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi: Non-Extensive Thermodynamical Approach of Hadronization in High Energy Collisions (20+5 min)
- 09:50 Boris Tomásik: Feeding of flow anisotropy from hard patrons (20+5 min)
- 10:15 Karoly Urmossy: Statistical Jet Fragmentation and v2 at LHC (20+5 min)
- 10:40 Gábor Bíró: Identified hadron spectra analysis applying parallel Geant simulation (15+5 min)
Section e2, 11:30 - 12:45, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2nd floor assembly hall [map]
EW and BSM physics (section chair: )
- 11:30 Gabriella Pasztor: Recent results from the ATLAS experiment (20+5 min)
- 11:55 János Karancsi: Supersymmetry searches in the CMS Experiment (20+5 min)
- 12:20 Brant Johnson: Physical Review Letters and the Scientific Publishing Triad: Authors, Referees, and Editors (20+5 min)
- As of December 04 2014 15:17:26. -