December 5-7, 2001

Budapest, Hungary

[Barabás, M.: The Eruption of Vesuv]
Barabás, M.: The Eruption of Vesuv


Wednesday, December 5, 2001

9.00 G. David (BNL, Upton, NY) : Resuls from RHIC I: Overview
9.50 P. Lévai (RMKI, Budapest): QCD for high energy heavy ion collisions
10.40 Coffee break
11.00 J. Zimányi (RMKI, Budapest) : ALCOR : strange and charmed particles at RHIC
11.50 G. David (BNL, Upton, NY) : Results from RHIC II: PHENIX

12.30 Lunch break

14.00 T. Csörgö (RMKI, Budapest) : I. Non-relativistic hydrodynamics for heavy ion collisions
14.50 S. Moszkowski (UCLA, Los Angeles) : Nuclear mean field theories I.
15.40 Coffee break

16.10 - 18.00 Welcome Reception
and commemoration of J. Zimányi's 70th birthday.
Short contributions by
L. Keszthelyi (SZBK, Szeged)
Mrs. E. Gilyén (OTKA Iroda, Budapest) J. Zimányi and the OTKA
G. Zimányi (U.C. Davis, California) Z-70 and Andreev's reflection
B. Lukács (RMKI, Budapest) Zimányi and strangeness distillation
K. Tóth (RMKI, Budapest) Zimányi at the Dept. of Theoretical Physics

Thursday, December 6, 2001

9.00 T. Csörgö (RMKI, Budapest) : Hydrodynamics for relativistic heavy ion collisions. Quark Matter and Quark Gluon Plasma, similarities and differences.
9.50 W. Kittel (Nijmegen, The Netherlands): Correlations in e+e, h+p and A+A reactions at CERN I.
10.40 Coffee break
11.00 A. Ster (RMKI, Budapest) : Hydrodynamical analysis of PHENIX and STAR data
11.50 T. S. Biró (RMKI, Budapest) : Color rope model for heavy ion physics

12.30 Lunch break

14.00 S. Katz (DESY, Hamburg) : Lattice QCD at finite temperature and baryon density
14.50 I. Lovas (KLTE, Debrecen) Quark Gluon Plasma tomography
15.10 Coffee break
15.40 Video conference starts
15.40 D. Kharzeev (BNL, Upton, NY): Classical Chromo-Dynamics at RHIC
16.30 M. Gyulassy (Columbia, New York): Jet quenching at RHIC
17.20 Video conference ends
17.20 G. Papp (ELTE, Budapest) : NJL model, random matrixes and chiral structure of QCD

Friday, December 7

9.00 B. A. Cole (Columbia, New York) : Recent results from RHIC
9.50 S. Moszkowski (UCLA, Los Angeles) : Nuclear mean field theories II
10.40 Coffee break
11.00 G. Veres (RMKI, Budapest) : p+p and p+A at CERN SPS
11.50 G. Barnafödi (RMKI, Budapest): Summary of A + B at CERN SPS (esp. penetrating probes)

12.30 Lunch break

14.00 S. Katz (DESY, Hamburg) : Lattice QCD at finite density II
14.50 D. Barna (RMKI, Budapest) Strangeness production in A+B collisions at CERN SPS
15.40 Coffee break
16.00 F. Siklér (RMKI, Budapest): Determination of centrality in p+ A collisions
16.40 T. Csörgö(RMKI, Budapest): Buckyballs and gluon junction networks on the femtometer scale
17.20 W. Kittel (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) Correlations in e+e, h+p and A+A reactions at CERN II.

- As of October 13 2008 07:53:14. -
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