[A. Gáspár: Calculate the Entropy XIV]
A. Gáspár: Calculate the Entropy XIV




December 4-8, 2023

Budapest, Hungary

[József Zimányi (1931 - 2006)]
József Zimányi (1931 - 2006)



Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate in this year's Zimányi School Winter Workshop that aims to summarize the developments of 2023 in high energy heavy ion physics, with particular attention to the new data emerging from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), SPS and J-PARC. We will discuss results from other high energy nuclear and particle physics facilities of the world, most importantly lower energy colliders, exploring the nuclear phase diagram (with special attention to FAIR and NICA). Another important point of the School is to discuss important new results in hydrodynamics, flow and femtoscopy. One of the main aims of the School is to encourage interaction between the theoretical and experimental community. A slightly overlapping and not fully exclusive list of topics of the School includes (in alphabetical order):

Deadline for registration is September 30, 2023.

We are looking forward to the continuation of this series and hope to welcome our colleagues and friends in Hungary.

Proceedings: The contributed papers to the Special Issue from this workshop, published in International Journal of Modern Physics A, will be available at World Scientific.

Flyer: if possible, please be so kind and print the poster of the school [pdf], and put next to your door or to the notice-board of your department.

Location: The school/workshop is usually held at the Wigner Research Center for Physics (a Hungarian Academy of Sciences Excellence Research Center). The Wigner RCP is located on the "KFKI campus", in building no. 3. (see a map of the campus here, more details here). Under normal circumstances, on Tuesday the school is supposed to be held at the Lágymányos Campus of the Eötvös University, in the "Northern Building" (see a map of the campus here, more details here).

Talks: Participants are encouraged to present their recent heavy ion physics results in contributed talks. We also invite excellent researchers from other fields to present their results to encourage discussions and interactions between different but related communities. Please register on our website, giving us your name, institute and the talk title, and other logistical details. If your contribution was not discussed with us before and you are not a regular presenter at the Zimányi Schools, please email us a brief abstract, or in case of students, a short recommendation from your supervisor. Please note that our event is a school for students of high energy heavy ion physics, a workshop for researchers (working in high energy heavy ion physics) and a symposium for experts of related fields.

Posters: We may organize a dedicated poster session. Students are encouraged to submit poster presentations to this; they can note this by writing "(poster)" after the end of their suggested talk title. Note that participants are expected to bring their posters along, or print them at one of the print shops in Budapest.

Students (BSc, MSc, PhD included) are particularly encouraged to attend the school (and they may apply for a waiver of the registration fee, based on a recommendation from the supervisor). As a further encouragement for active participation this year, the Best Student Prize is sponsored by MDPI Physics (including a 200 CHF award).

Participation fee: The registration fee is 200 EUR for seniors, and 100 EUR for students, to cover basic organization costs, the coffee breaks and contributes to the remaining expenses of the school (students may ask for a waiver). This fee can be waived for remote participants, although they are encouraged to pay the fee to support the free participation of students. Participants are kindly asked to transfer the participation fee to the following account (noting their name(s) and mentioning "Zimanyi School 2023" as a comment):
Account holder:Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Address:1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.
Bank name:Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury)
Bank address:1139 Budapest, Váci u. 71.
Account number:10032000-01731134-00000000
IBAN account number:HU15 1003 2000 0173 1134 0000 0000
SEPA transfer
non-SEPA transfer
Correspondent bank:Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank)
Please note your invoice address in the registration form!

Lunches and dinners are not covered by the registration fee. Participants are suggested to use the Wigner Institute cafeteria (building 23 on this map) or the cafeterias at/around the Eötvös University (see this map).

Conference dinner will be held Tuesday evening in the "Melódin" Étterem (Evosoft building, Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 11, 1111).

Registration is requested by filling in the registration form on this webpage, no later than the registration deadline. Additionally, you are invited to join the event's Facebook page (to be created soon) and invite friends and colleagues there.

Housing: We recommend staying in Mercure & Ibis Budapest Castle Hill, as there is a bus from there to Wigner, and the Eötvös University is also reachable comfortably by public transport. The price should be around 70 EUR for a single room. Alternatively, Ibis Styles Budapest City Hotel could be recommended, which is close to the Eötvös University, but also right at the final stop of bus 212 which goes up to Normafa, near the Wigner campus. Participants may of course solve their housing in Budapest on their own, links to Budapest hotels are provided here.

Looking forward to a stimulating and fruitful meeting,

M. Csanád and P. Kovács
(for the IAC and the LOC)

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