[Aba-Novák, V.: Light]
Aba-Novák, V.: Light




November 25-29, 2008

Budapest, Hungary

[József Zimányi (1931 - 2006)]
József Zimányi (1931 - 2006)



Dear Colleague,

We would like to invite you to participate in this School that aims to summarize the developments of 2008 in high energy heavy ion physics, with particular attention to the new data emerging from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and to the first beam of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

This year the one of the focal points will be on the superfluid and strongly interacting nature of the perfect fluid of quarks found at RHIC, and results on penetrating probes including direct photons.

As usual, we plan to discuss in detail recent results and advances on femtoscopy including correlations and fluctuations in high energy particle and heavy ion physics.

We will also discuss the preparations of the (Hungarian) heavy ion community at the LHC accelerator and and the preparation of the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCf, LHCb and TOTEM experiments for the first collisions, forseen for 2009. There will be a special session to rewiev diffractive physics at the LHC.

   Arrival: November 24, Monday
   Lectures: November 25, Tuesday - November 29, Friday
   Welcome reception: November 25, Tuesday evening

Contributed talks: Participants are encouraged to present their recent results in brief contributed talks. Please e-mail us your name, institute, the title and a brief abstract of your contribution, if any.

Participation fee: 13 000 HUF or 50 EUR, it covers the basic organization costs, the coffee breaks and contributes to the other expenses of the school.

Housing: As a default, participants are expected to solve their housing in Budapest, and to cover their lunch expenses at the KFKI Cafeterias. Links to Budapest hotels are provided here.

Students are particularly encouraged to attend the school (and their fee will be waived).

Registration: is requested by sending an e-mail to one of the organizers.

Looking forward to a stimulating and fruitful meeting,

T. Csörgö

- As of November 21 2008 09:35:47. -
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