December 5-7, 2005

Budapest, Hungary
[Csontvary Kosztka, T. : Waterfall in Jajce]
Csontvary Kosztka, T. : Waterfall in Jajce



Dear Colleague,

We would like to invite you to participate in this school that aims to summarize the developments in 2005 in high energy heavy ion physics, with particular attention to the recent Quark Matter confeence in Budapest as well as new data emerging from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) accelerator.

This accelerator has been dedicated to collide intersecting beams of heavy ions in the search for a new state of matter called quark gluon plasma. In 2005, all the four RHIC experiments reported the summary of their findings in Nuclear Physics A, which was summarized and communicated to the public under the title "RHIC scientists serve the perfect liquid", a press release by the Brookhaven National Laboratory. 2005 has also been the year when the right to organize the Quark Matter conference went to Hungary and we had a wonderful set of presentations of the most recent data coming from the CERN SPS and the RHIC accelerators as well as a forecast of the new developments of LHC at CERN and RHIC-II at Brookhaven. Some of these developments and the scientific case for the perfect liquid at RHIC will be discussed at great details at our forthcoming school. As usual, we plan to discuss in detail also recent results and advances on correlations and fluctuations in high energy particle and heavy ion physics. In addition, we would like to discuss the preparation of the (Hungarian) heavy ion community for the forthcoming LHC accelerator and its experiments.

Locations of the school: December 6, Tuesday, 2005 at the ELTE University, "Kari Tanácsterem", 7th floor, Physics Building, Budapest XI, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a. On December 5 Monday and December 7, Wednesday, the talks will be held at "Tanácsterem", MTA KFKI RMKI, or with other words, at the Auditorium of the Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Building III, 2nd floor,Konkoly-Thege M. u. 29-33, Budapest XII, Hungary.

Contributed talks: Participants are encouraged to present their recent results in brief contributed talks. Please e-mail us your name, institute, the title and a brief abstract of your contribution, if any.

Participation fee of 10000 HUF (about 40 EUR) will be charged to the participants. This covers the basic organization costs, the coffee breaks and contributes to the other expenses of the school. This school will be partially supported by Hungarian OTKA grants, by the exchange programmes of OTKA, MTA and NSF, by NEFIM, by the exchange programme of the Hungarian and Polish Academy of Sciences, and by other international exchange programmes.

Housing: As a default, participants are expected to solve their housing in Budapest, and to cover their lunch expenses at the KFKI Cafeterias. Links to Budapest hotels are provided here. However, we have also reserved some hotel rooms in the nearby Hotel Sunlight, that are available for a special price to our guests. If you are interested in this possibility, please e-mail the organizers.

Students are particularly encouraged to attend the school (and their fee will be waved).

Registration is requested by sending an e-mail to the organizer.

Looking forward to a stimulating and fruitful meeting,
T. Csörgö

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